Basic information on the Weiss 102 Series modular signal processing system.
The Weiss 102 Series consists of a broad range of digital audio processing modules suited for CD mastering, mixing and digital audio signal processing. The customer configures a system according to his or her requirements. The modularity of the system allows for a large number of different requirements, from simple interfacing, sampling frequency conversion, level controlling to complex systems with mixing, equalization, dynamics processing etc. Modules can be cascaded to get more EQ bands for instance.
Most of the modules can be remote controlled either from a dedicated, modular Remote Control Desk or from the PENGUIN PC-based automation system.
Example of a 102 Series Processor Frame with from left to right: AES/EBU Input, SDIF
Input, Sampling Frequency Converter, Interface to DSP card in computer, De-Esser, Parametric EQ, Dynamics Processor, 4 in 2 Mixer, Advanced Noiseshaping Redither (ANR), AES/EBU Output, SDIF Output.
Example of a 102 Series Remote Control Desk for the 102 Series Processor above, with from left to right: Programmer for system control and snapshot storage, Parametric EQ Remote, Dynamics Remote, 4 in 2 Mixer Remote.
Penguin main screen with windows for Parametric EQ, Dynamics, 4 in 2 Mixer, Level Meter, FFT Spectrum display, system block diagram, Timecode Automation. The Penguin can be used in conjunction with the hardware based Remote Control Desk (see above) or standalone, as the sole remote control surface for the 102 processor frame.
Each signal processing module has a dedicated window on the Penguin surface.
The Penguin’s main features are:
- Windows for EQ, Dynamics, DeEsser, Mixer, FFT, Leveldisplay.
- Capable of controlling several modules of each type, e.g. 3 EQ modules etc.
- Supports fully dynamic timecode automation for all parameters.
- Has external timecode input.
- Snapshot automation also supported.
- Library for production data.
- Sampler for sound archiving.
- Real time Spectrum display (FFT).
- Peak program meter.
System Requirements
Your requirements or your anticipated needs determine which modules will be assembled into your system. The application engineers at Weiss Engineering Ltd., or their distributors, will be glad to assist you in designing the ideal set-up, and also prepare you for future expansions.
The 102 Series achieved the following important design requirements:
It accepts most known digital and analog signal formats and converts them to a 24-bit parallel bus structure, the “internal parallel bus”.
It performs multiple signal processing in the digital domain with neglectable degradation of the original.
Finally, the system accomplishes signal conversion into most desired digital or analog formats using a modular concept.
The customized 102 Series system
The modular concept of the 102 Series offers a high level of flexibility, impossible with a single dedicated device. At the time of purchase, as well as at a later date, the user need only invest in those functions necessary for his immediate applications. At any time the system can be expanded with more functions to satisfy new requirements. Also, as the industry introduces additional technical advancements the 102 Series grows with it.
Since its introduction the 102 Series has developed into a much larger concept and addresses all phases of traditional signal processing:
Corrective, such as level balance, sequencing, preparing for
Creative, to perform complex EQ changes and editing, as an example.
Protective, to avoid overload problems in subsequent equipment.
Analyze your own requirements
The steps to design a customized system are really quite simple. First, the user analyzes his needs, and then assembles from the range of different modules an ideal workstation.
The resulting arrangement of modules may be a stand-alone facility, or more often, is planned to integrate into the existing studio environment with other peripheral equipment.
Some of the most common tasks include:
To convert a signal of any format to any other format.
To process pre-recorded program material with equalization, dynamics, level adjustments etc. to create a coherent final product.
To add special effects, such as reverb, to the recorded program.
To protect succeeding equipment from overload with application of limiting, or correct excessive dynamic range with compression.
To change sampling rates.
To process program from different sources.
To mix different signal sources, including returns from reverbs, etc.
To transfer archived analog recordings into a coherent new digital release.
To re-master older recordings which often require a different equalization approach for the modern medium.
Of course, a larger system can combine all these abilities in one workstation and can perform several functions simultaneously.
General Considerations
We recommend to think of this equipment as part of a larger system. It must integrate properly into your environment. The few controls are mostly self-explanatory, so you will be able to control complex operations. However, experience comes with practice.
No requirements need concern the user when determining signal conditioning since 102 Series accepts almost any signal source, including those which are analog. Common sense and sound engineering practices must be observed to guarantee flawless operation. Most difficulties can be avoided by carefully analyzing the system setup.
Detailed technical specifications are listed with the description of each individual module. Technical assistance is available through your local applications engineer, or you may contact Weiss Engineering Ltd. directly.
System Set-Up
The typical 102 Series system consists of several different types of modules. Three basic groups are usually installed in a Main Frame: Input modules, Signal Processing modules, and Output modules.
The Remote Control Desk contains the control modules which should be convenient to the operator.
The signal flow in the main frame is always from left to right, assuming that one is looking at the front of the frame. For this reason all the Input modules must be plugged into slots starting from the leftmost position. The Signal Processing modules follow and the Output modules terminate the chain. The Signal Processing and Output modules can be in mixed positions to obtain different signal processing for different applications.
One Main Frame may accommodate more than one signal chain. To accomplish this, simply leave one slot unused between the two chains. More than two chains are possible. Several frames can be cascaded using the bw102/18 Link Interface. Blank panels are available to fill the open slot(s).
The internal parallel bus allows transmission of a 24-bit data stream. It is interrupted at each connector on the internal motherboard. This allows the insertion of different processing modules into the data stream.
Sample configuration in the processor frame:
(top to bottom is left to right in the frame)
/19X AES/EBU Input
/73 SDIF Input
/65 Sampling Frequency Converter
/21 Parametric Equalizer
/34 Dynamics Processor
/68 De-Esser
/29A Split-up V1 (Feed to CH1/2 of Mixer through external cable, also
feeds following AES/EBU Output)
/20X AES/EBU Output (send to external effects device)
/29B Bus Interrupt (Interrupts bus to avoid bus conflict)
/19X AES/EBU Input (return from external effects device)
/54 4 in 2 Mixer (CH1/2 from Split-up, CH3/4 from return)
/49 Advanced Noiseshaping Redither
/20X AES/EBU Output
/74 SDIF Output
The Remote Control
The Remote Control of the main frame can be done in three different ways:
Hardware type remote control with the modular remote control desk. Has the advantage that no PC and video monitor are required and that the faders and knobs are real and not some virtual representation on the PC screen.
Penguin System, which is a PC based graphical user interface. Has the advantage of beeing cheaper than the hardware panels and of offering fully dynamic timecode automation.
Both of the above in conjunction. Has the advantages of both 1) and 2) combined. It is also possible to use, say, just the level faders as a hardware module and control the rest from the Penguin system. This saves money but offers the convenience of real faders.
Sample configuration in the remote control desk:
/D3 Programmer(required for system control and snapshot storage)
/D6 EQ Remote Control
/D9 Dynamics Remote Control
/D19 DeEsser Remote Control
/D4 4 in 2 Mixer Remote Control
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